Saturday, March 17, 2012

I haven't forgotten you

mascot(in the picture): herie dahlan :)

I will say that 2nd year at KOD is much much better than the 1st year. We have a lot more time off,(mata keatas tgn ke bahu) and we finally get to learn how to be a dentists!
We spend a lot of time up in the simulation clinic working on our preparations and restorations.

When we are not in the simulation clinic drillin and fillin, we are in the seminar room for our lecture series. Sprinkled in througout the week are a few hours of Pharmacology, not too bad.

Just for my own curiosity, anyone who happens upon this blog, please sign in so I can see whether or not people actually read my writings. Whether my blog is alone in the vast space of blogland, it matters not to me, it's just a way for me to journalize my time in this world :p

intervasity games!

it can be said as national game, where all dental students from their representative university come to the host university(iium) and play all types of games. trying their best to win medals.

anyway for our KOD, we won 3 gold, and overall we at 2nd place come after USM. gud job kod-lings!


  1. indeed..
    time passed, and we aredy at the age so called adult, the period of life that we have to make lots of considerations..

    hehehe, btw jaim weh..
