Masuk sem 3 x bermakna ak masuk sem y pnh dgn rileks, goyang kaki, al maklumlah kelas dlm 2-3 jam je sehari n ari selasa mmg xda kelas..sem ni lebih kepada praktikal.ak amk bio lab 1 n com 1..
Ada gak student yng x amk comp sb diorg dah exempted, biasala aku ni x lah pro sgt pasal comp niee!!n ada gak those who not seat for this semester since they were exempted in quranic language..wow..but i think, by taking comp n quranic lg here, i can widen my knowledge which can benefit myself for the future.
I need to struggle in this sem in order to score for this exam...insyaallah, along with doa n tawakkal...
Tapi, ak sedikit gusar n tension coz, im only the brother in the grup others 20 are sisters you know..pikirlah, mcm kementerian pelajaran silap masukkan ak kt kolej tunku kursiah...arghhhhh...malunye...dgn menebalkan muka ku, ak ng tabah belajar bersama2 geng2 makcik..huhhh..setiap kali habis lecture, i'll breath out n begitulah seterusnya.
But, u can't think that u will be punished in that grup..haaa..act, many benefits from that, eg , u can borrow their assigment, haha , one more thing, they were ve~ry competitive, so, take la sikit motivation from that..zaim!think abut it!
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