bukan siti nurhaliza dan bkn jg siti saerah,
tp siti berekor!
tikus utan!!!
amk kt cafe ukc???!!!
kali ni..,kami msk praktikal ke 9(dissection),
dah lapan experiment kami lalui,
detik yg dinanti2,
bermakna kami mesti beloh tikuh!!!
zaim: ak xley ng bulu2 nih, al maklomlah, sejak lahir lg ak ni allergic tahap icu ng asthma niee...
hanafi: ak pon xley, binatang plg ak suke, tikus tau...no2...ak x sampai ati!!!
farisyam: weyh, ak bukan ape...perut ak wat hal la...so, xley nk attend kelas..plez tell mdm erkk
owh3...byk nye alasan...korg ingat, korang ble lari ka!!! no! everyone are compulsory!!!
each of u'll get two of rats...miss rositi said just now...
sabar je la yerk, kami pon prepare ape yg patut...
everyone!!!....come n take ur fwen...
kami brothers dgn macho mengambil tikus yg telah dipensangkan, 5 minit sebelom tu, tikus2 ni still alive...kami sempat melihat mereka berlari, bermanja dgn ibu bapa mereka, along n angah mereka..namun, takdir kita yg merancang, Dia jua yg menentukan, kami terpaksa mengorbankan kerajaan tikus yg berleluasa mutakhir ini yg boleh menyebabkan selsema tikus.
Before proceed to next step, we should bath them first.
then, kami kankangkan mereka so that make our works easier,
for the first try, our lecturer, mdm nazilah n miss rositi will lead us..they will show in front then we pon follow them dgn sabar nya...
frankly, ak mmg xble dgn tikus...au..haha..
for start, ak langsung xtgk fwen ak tu!
ekor nya membuatkan ak geli...aerrr
mcm nk potong je...
skit2 ak dissect, sampai lah ak potong kepala tikaus tuh sbb nk tgk dia punye brain...
abis compenent kt dlm tikus ak repair,
sampai semua organ ak keluarkan.,
kejam!? no hal lah,
kite nak belaja..bkn nk main
kalau kt usm, bkn tikus diorg dissect tp kambing atuk aku!
ni kire ok duk uia...
ihsan terhadap binatang...

pendek kata, ak cukup happy n excited dgn pengalaman pertamaku...
zaim!!!here u go!!! itu lah kata2 yg sering ak lontarkan saban hari,
tidak kira ape yg terjadi,
ak mesti hadapinya!,
no matter what!
my most important lessons are always from my mistakes!
my own success model is developed as i reflect and learn from my mistakes,
and i'll try my best to ensure it doesn't happen again!!!
uia stdnt eyh??medic??tahun bp ??
i really hope i can furthr mdc at uia..but i thnk Allah knows what's best fr me...
ReplyDeletestudy week juga?
wish u all da best!
biasa la tu curi2 kuar, lagi org halang, lagi kt rasa nak buat..
tp xp, asal x wat benda pelik2
nanti pesan kat kwn2, x semestinya dentstry kat cenfos leh proceed terus kat cni..result kna ok..
tapi rasanya korang suma da hebat2 kat result?
k la
selamat berjuang, kalau ada nak tanya pasal uia kuantan@dentisstry..jgn segan2..emel pun boleh